Comparison of receiver operating characteristic curves between new and old parameters for diagnosis of mechanical RBC hemolysis. New: sum of mean platelet volume score, RBC ghost score, mHb-cHb score, and MCHC-CHCM score (cut-off, 3; AUC, 0.77; sensitivity, 53.2% [95% CI, 44.1–62.1]; specificity, 88.9% [95% CI, 78.4–95.4]). Old: sum of MCHC score, RBC ghost score, mHb-cHb score, and MCHC-CHCM score (cut-off, 2; AUC, 0.73; sensitivity, 43.7% [95% CI, 34.8–52.8]; specificity, 90.5% [95% CI, 80.4–96.4]). Abbreviations: RBC, red blood cell; mHb, measured hemoglobin; cHb, calculated hemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; CHCM, corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mean; AUC, area under the curve; CI, confidence interval.