Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 4.

Distribution of the methods and probe types used for the FISH survey and the results for the participants from 2017

Specimen   Intended responsesManufacturer   Probe typeNo. of laboratoriesNo. of participants with an acceptable response (n/N*, %)
GF-17-01Not consistent with trisomy 21VysisSingle color518/18 (100.0)
Fusion-extra signal2
Dual color4
MetaSystemsDual fusion1
CytoCellDual color4
Single color2
GF-17-02Abnormal with a PML/RARA fusionVysisDual fusion1428/28 (100.0)
Dual color2
CytoCellDual color1
Dual fusion5
MetaSystemsDual fusion6
GF-17-03Abnormal with a rearrangement of CBFBVysisDual fusion223/25 (95.0)
CytoCellDual fusion3
MetaSystemsDual fusion5
Dual color1
GF-17-04Abnormal with a gain of centromere 8VysisSingle color1220/20 (100.0)
Triple color2
MetaSystemsSingle color2
Triple color1
CytoCellSingle color3
GF-17-05Abnormal with a BCR/ABL1 fusionVysisDual fusion1528/28 (100.0)
Dual color3
CytoCellDual color1
Triple color1
Dual fusion2
MetaSystemsDual fusion6
GF-17-06Within normal limits for D7S522VysisDual color919/20 (95.0)
Single color1
CytoCellDual color2
MetaSystemsTriple color5
Dual color3
GF-17-07Consistent with trisomy 21VysisSingle color616/16 (100.0)
Dual color3
CytoCellDual color4
Single color2
MetaSystemsDual fusion1
GF-17-08Abnormal with a RUNX1T1/RUNX1 (ETO/AML1) fusionVysisDual fusion1828/28 (100.0)
Dual color3
CytoCellDual color1
Dual fusion2
MetaSystemsDual fusion4
GF-17-09Abnormal with a rearrangement of MYCVysisBreak-apart1015/16 (93.8)
Triple color1
CytoCellDual fusion2
MetaSystemsTriple color3

The following FISH methods were used: Vysis (Downers Grove, IL, USA), CytoCell (Cambridge, UK), and MetaSystems (Altlussheim, Germany).

Abbreviation: FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization.

n/N indicates the acceptable number/total number of participants.

J Lab Med Qual Assur 2018;40:188~198
© Lab Med Qual Assur