Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 2.

List of proficiency testing specimens used for autoimmune antibodies and timelines of each trial, 2018–2019

Program Specifications Trial

2018, 1st 2018, 2nd 2019, 1st 2019, 2nd
Autoimmune antibodies I Delivery date 2018. 4. 23 2018. 9. 10 2019. 4. 1 2019. 10. 14
Response date 2018. 4. 23–5. 3 2018. 9. 10–9. 20 2019. 4. 1–4. 11 2019. 10. 14–10. 24
ANA IA1-18-01 IA1-18-06 IA1-19-01 IA1-19-06
IA1-18-02 IA1-18-07 IA1-19-02 IA1-19-07
IA1-18-03 IA1-18-08 IA1-19-03 IA1-19-08
AMA and SMA IA1-18-04 IA1-18-09 IA1-19-04 IA1-19-09
IA1-18-05 IA1-18-10 IA1-19-05 IA1-19-10
Autoimmune antibodies II Delivery date 2018. 4. 23 2018. 9. 10 2019. 4. 1 2019. 10. 14
Response date 2018. 4. 23–5. 3 2018. 9. 10–9. 20 2019. 4. 1–4. 11 2019. 10. 14–10. 24
Anti-Tg and anti-TPO IA2-18-01 IA2-18-05 IA2-19-01 IA2-19-05
IA2-18-02 IA2-18-06 IA2-19-02 IA2-19-06
Anti-dsDNA IA2-18-03 IA2-18-07 IA2-19-03 IA2-19-07
IA2-18-04 IA2-18-08 IA2-19-04 IA2-19-08

Abbreviations: ANA, anti-nuclear antibody; AMA, anti-mitochondrial antibody; SMA, anti-smooth muscle antibody; anti-Tg, anti-thyroglobulin antibody; anti-TPO, anti-thyroperoxidase antibody; anti-dsDNA, anti-double strand DNA antibody.

Lab Med Qual Assur 2020;42:1~9
© Lab Med Qual Assur