Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 5.

Results of proficiency tests for the ANA titer

Trial No. of par­tici­pants Specimen Negative Positive titer Intended response

1:40 1:80 1:160 1:320 1:640 1:1,280 >1:1,280
2018, 1st 74 IA1-18-01 0 1 (1.4) 1 (1.4) 2 (2.7) 4 (5.4) 18 (24.3) 29 (39.2) 19 (25.7) 66 (89.2)
IA1-18-02 73 (98.6) 1 (1.4) 0 0 0 0 0 0
IA1-18-03 0 0 2 (2.7) 1 (1.4) 5 (6.8) 19 (25.7) 30 (40.5) 17 (23.0) 64 (86.5)
2018, 2nd 72 IA1-18-06 1 (1.4) 3 (4.2) 0 1 (1.4) 3 (4.2) 15 (20.8) 25 (34.7) 24 (33.3) 64 (88.9)
IA1-18-07 71 (98.6) 0 1 (1.4) 0 0 0 0 0
IA1-18-08 0 2 (2.8) 1 (1.4) 1 (1.4) 2 (2.8) 9 (12.5) 33 (24.0) 24 (33.3) Not deter­mined
2019, 1st 77 IA1-19-01 70 (90.9) 4 (5.2) 3 (3.9) 0 0 0 0 0
IA1-19-02 0 1 (1.3) 2 (2.6) 18 (23.4) 40 (51.9) 14 (18.2) 2 (2.6) 0 72 (93.2)
IA1-19-03 0 0 1 (1.3) 0 1 (1.3) 11 (14.3) 43 (55.8) 21 (27.3) 75 (97.4)
2019, 2nd 77 IA1-19-06 75 (97.4) 1 (1.3) 1 (1.3) 0 0 0 0 0
IA1-19-07 0 0 3 (3.9) 34 (44.2) 27 (35.1) 10 (13.0) 3 (3.9) 0 64 (83.1)
IA1-19-08 0 0 0 6 (7.8) 23 (29.9) 36 (46.8) 9 (11.7) 3 (3.9) 68 (88.3)

Values are presented as number (%), unless otherwise stated. The ANA titer was an educational challenge. The most frequent responses are indicated in bold and the most frequent responses ±1 titer are indicated in italics.

Abbreviation: ANA, anti-nuclear antibody.

Lab Med Qual Assur 2020;42:1~9
© Lab Med Qual Assur