Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 3.

Results of the proficiency testing of conventional neonatal screening tests in 2019

Variable 1st trial 2nd trial

No. of institutions Proportion of correct answers (%) No. of institutions Proportion of correct answers (%)
Phenylketonuria 15 180/180 (100) 14 168/168 (100)
Galactosemia 14 165/168 (98) 14 167/168 (99)
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 14 164/168 (98) 14 166/168 (99)
Maple syrup urine disease 15 180/180 (100) 14 168/168 (100)
Homocystinuria 15 178/180 (99) 14 168/168 (100)
Congenital hypothyroidism
TSH 14 168/168 (100) 14 168/168 (100)
T4, total 8 80/80 (100) 8 79/80 (99)
T4, free 1 1

Abbreviations: TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; T4, thyroxine.

Lab Med Qual Assur 2020;42:10~25
© Lab Med Qual Assur