Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 6.

VDRL titer results of syphilis serology proficiency testing using control specimens in 2018–2019

Control specimens VDRL titer*

N 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:16 1:32 1:64 1:128 1:256 1:512 1:1024
IB-18-01 1 (1.9) 3 (5.6) 25 (46.3) 19 (35.2) 3 (5.6) 1 (1.9) 2 (3.7)
IB-18-02 52 (96.3) 2 (3.7)
IB-18-03 52 (96.3) 2 (3.7)
IB-18-04 54 (100.0)
IB-18-05 4 (7.4) 27 (50.0) 20 (37.0) 3 (5.6)
IB-18-06 54 (100.0)
IB-19-01 53 (100.0)
IB-19-02 53 (100.0)
IB-19-03 4 (7.5) 23 (43.4) 24 (45.3) 1 (1.9) 1 (1.9)
IB-19-04 53 (98.1) 1 (1.9)
IB-19-05 53 (98.1) 1 (1.9)
IB-19-06 2 (3.7) 31 (57.4) 18 (33.3) 1 (1.9) 2 (3.7)

Values are presented as number (%).

Abbreviations: VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory; N, non-reactive.

*Acceptable results are indicated in bold.

Lab Med Qual Assur 2021;43:56~64
© Lab Med Qual Assur