Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 6.

Number (%) of participants in the proficiency tests for the weak D test

Trial (specimen) BGS-21-03 BGS-21-06

Anti-D (Rh typing) Ani-D (weak D test) Anti-D (Rh typing) Ani-D (weak D test)
No. of participants 256 259 257 260
Negative 255 (99.6) 45 (17.4) 256 (99.6) 19 (7.3)
± - 12 (4.6) - 13 (5.0)
1+ 1 (0.4) 80 (30.9) - 48 (18.5)
2+ - 88 (34.0) - 128 (49.2)
3+ - 33 (12.7) - 52 (20.0)
4+ - 1 (0.4) - -
NT - - 1 (0.4) -
D positive 45 (17.3)* 19 (7.3) *
D variant 213 (81.9) 239 (91.6)
D negative 2 (0.8)* 3 (1.1)*

Abbreviation: NT, not tested.

*Unacceptable responses for weak D testing.

Lab Med Qual Assur 2022;44:10~20
© Lab Med Qual Assur