Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 1.

Number of participants and acceptable rates in urine chemistry QC

Tests 1st QC 2nd QC 3rd QC
pH 1,709 (91.9) 1,708 (93.3) 1,713 (94.6)
Protein 1,722 (91.8) 1,722 (95.2) 1,728 (97.9)
Glucose 1,711 (98.4) 1,710 (98.1) 1,715 (99.3)
Ketone 1,661 (99.6) 1,660 (99.9) 1,664 (99.9)
Bilirubin 1,661 (91.7) 1,657 (91.4) 1,662 (90.3)
Blood 1,710 (98.1) 1,709 (99.2) 1,714 (99.2)
Urobilinogen 1,661 (55.8) 1,659 (77.1) 1,664 (73.5)
Nitrite 1,628 (99.3) 1,629 (99.5) 1,634 (99.8)
Leukocyte 1,615 (99.4) 1,615 (99.4) 1,618 (99.7)

Values are presented as the number of participants (acceptable %). The results with <95% accuracy are indicated in bold types.

Abbreviation: QC, quality control.

Lab Med Qual Assur 2023;45:1~9
© Lab Med Qual Assur