Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 2.

Distribution of assay principles for creatinine

Method No. of participants (%)

2022-1st round 2022-2nd round
Kinetic Jaffe without compensation 809 (48.0) 821 (48.1)
Kinetic Jaffe with compensation 376 (22.3) 378 (22.2)
Rate blanked compensated kinetic Jaffe 303 (18.0) 316 (18.5)
Enzymatic 171 (10.1) 176 (10.3)
Others 28 (1.7) 15 (0.9)
Total 1,687 (100.0) 1,706 (100.0)
Lab Med Qual Assur 2023;45:10~17
© Lab Med Qual Assur