Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

Table. 4.

Results of HLA class I typing in 2019

Trials Specimen Resolution HLA-A No. of labs HLA-B No. of labs HLA-C No. of labs
1st IHL-19-01 Generic type A*02/A*24 65 B*55/B*59 65 C*01 1
C*01/Blank 38
Allelic type A*02:06/A*24:02 20 B*55:02/B*59:01 20 C*01:02/C*01:02 5
A*02:06G/A*24:02G 5 B*55:02G/B*59:01G 5 C*01:02/C*99:99 15
C*01:02G/C*01:02G 2
C*01:02G/C*99:99 3
Serological equivalent A2/A24 64 B55/B59 64 Cw1 1
Cw1/Blank 39
IHL-19-02 Generic type A*24/A*33 65 B*44/B*59 65 C*01/C*07 39
Allelic type A*24:02/A*33:03 19 B*44:03/B*59:01 20 C*01:02/C*07:01 1
A*24:02/A*33:03G 1 B*44:03/B*59:01G 4 C*01:02/C*07:01G 4
A*24:02G/A*33:03G 5 B*44:03G/B*59:01G 1 C*01:02/C*07:06 15
C*01:02G/C*07:01G 4
C*01:02G/C*07:06 1
Serological equivalent A24/A33 64 B44/B59 64 Cw1/Cw7 40
2nd IHL-19-03 Generic type A*02/A*33 65 B*44/B*48 65 C*08/C*14 38
Allelic type A*02:06/A*33:03 21 B*44:03/B*48:01 22 C*08:03/C*14:03 24
A*02:06/A*33:03G 1 B*44:03G/B*48:01G 4 C*08:03G/C*14:03G 1
A*02:06G/A*33:03G 4
Serological equivalent A2/A33 65 B44/B48 65 Cw8/Blank 33
Cw8/Cw1 1
Cw8/Cw14 6
IHL-19-04 Generic type A*24/A*30 65 B*13/B*51 65 C*06/C*14 38
Allelic type A*24:02/A*30:01 22 B*13:02/B*51:01 22 C*06:02/C*14:02 21
A*24:02G/A*30:01G 4 B*13:02G/B*51:01G 4 C*06:02G/C*14:02G 4
Serological equivalent A24/A30 65 B13/B51 65 Cw6/Blank 33
Cw6/Cw1 1
Cw6/Cw14 6

Bold letter indicates the results which are not compliant with the intended responses.

Abbreviation: HLA, human leukocyte antigen.

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