Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance

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Fig. 3. Deming correlation and Bland-Altman plot analysis of viral load results measured with the Hologic Aptima Quant assay compared with those measured by the Abbott Alinity m assay. (A) Deming regression of HBV DNA levels measured by the Hologic Aptima Quant assay and the Abbott Alinity m assay. (B) Bland-Altman plot analysis of the Hologic Aptima Quant assay and the Abbott Alinity m assay. (C) Deming regression analysis of HCV RNA levels measured by the Hologic Aptima Quant assay versus the Abbott Alinity m assay. (D) Bland-Altman plot analysis of the the Hologic Aptima Quant assay versus the Abbott Alinity m assay. (E) Deming regression analysis of HIV RNA levels measured by the Hologic Aptima Quant assay versus the Abbott Alinity m assay. (F) Bland-Altman plot analysis of the the Hologic Aptima Quant assay versus the Abbott Alinity m assay. In the Bland-Altman plots, the dotted and dashed lines represent mean differences 2SD, respectively. The instruments were from the following companies: Hologic Aptima Quant assay (Hologic Inc., Marlborough, MA, USA) and Abbott Alinity m system (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, USA). Abbreviations: HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV-1, human immunodeficiency virus type 1; SD, standard deviation.
Lab Med Qual Assur 2024;46:96~102
© Lab Med Qual Assur